Do I Need a Lawyer to Apply for SSI or SSDI Benefits?

Do I Need a Lawyer to Apply for SSI or SSDI Benefits?

If you’re disabled and can’t work, and live in Greensboro NC, you might want to consider applying for SSDI or SSI benefits with the help of qualified Greensboro disability lawyers. This government program offers disability benefits to people who pay into the system and haven’t worked for a year. However, many people’s claims for SSDI or SSI benefits are denied. However, a qualified disability lawyer will be able to help you maximize your chances of approval.

The process of applying for these benefits can be lengthy and complicated. Therefore, hiring a disability attorney invariably helps to speed up the process and make life easier for your claim. Moreover, they can help you get medical records and letters of recommendation from doctors.

How Much Does It Cost To Hire Disability Attorneys In Greensboro NC?

Usually, most disability attorneys will not charge you unless they get you the benefits you’re seeking. Of course, the costs involved with hiring an attorney tend to vary, but typically, an attorney will charge a fee that’s based on a percentage of your back benefits, or up place a maximum charge, for example up to six thousand dollars.

This fee does not come out of your current monthly benefits, so it’s not a good idea to hire a lawyer for this purpose if you’re already receiving monthly benefits. However, there are some advantages to hiring an attorney, and they are well worth the expense.

As mentioned, a disability attorney can help you with the complexities of the application process for SSDI and SSI benefits. An attorney will be assigned to help you with the paperwork and ensure everything is submitted correctly. If your claim is denied, your attorney will help you file for reconsideration. Your attorney can also submit additional evidence to the SSA representative.

More About Disability Allowance in the US

In the United States, there are many benefits for disabled people. The Department of Social Security administers these benefits and works with healthcare professionals to determine whether an individual is eligible. This government program differs from the American Disabilities Act in that it uses different criteria in determining eligibility.

For this reason, disability lawyers in Greensboro exist to ensure your application is accurate. They also save you time and help to avoid mistakes that could result in the denial of the application, which in turn slows down the process of you getting what is rightfully yours. Also, it’s important to remember that you must file your application for disability benefits in the correct time frame. The timeframe can be affected by age, which in turn affects the disability allowance credit system.

The number of credits required to qualify for disability benefits depends on age and the age when your disability began. For younger people, the number of required work credits is smaller. However, you must earn these credits within a certain amount of time. If you are younger than 50, you may not meet the work requirement in the future. This is one aspect of your claim you will need help with.

Why Hire a Social Security Disability Lawyer? | Balin Law

The average monthly disability benefit from the Social Security Administration is $1,234. While this amount is modest, it keeps disabled individuals above the poverty line. The poverty level is $12,140 per year, so even a modest monthly payment can make a huge difference in a disabled person’s life. The payment enables them to meet their basic needs.

Government Monitoring of Disability Allowance and Appeals

Furthermore, the Social Security Administration monitors disability decisions at all stages. It conducts ongoing quality reviews at all stages of the process to reduce mistakes. Applicants who are initially denied may appeal to an administrative law judge at the SSA or to a state agency. Unfortunately, only about half of applicants who receive initial denials pursue this appeal. Once again disability lawyers in Greensboro NC are well versed in helping those in need of disability that should qualify successfully appeal a denial.

To Sum Up: Attorneys Increase Your Chances of Acceptance

In short, having an attorney on your side will increase your chances of success. During the application process, a Social Security lawyer can review medical evidence to determine if your claim is strong enough to merit benefits. They will also recommend steps that will increase your chances of winning benefits.

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