The Most Common Types of Injuries Suffered in Car Accidents

Car accidents often occur for several reasons: drunk driving, distracted driving, speeding, underage driving, driving under terrible weather conditions, and so on. However, all of the above reasons are categorized as negligence, which is the lack of care or consideration of the wellbeing of others while carrying out an act, in this case, driving on a road shared by others.

Car accidents are rarely ever accidents but as a result of the negligence of others. Those who have been wrongfully injured due to negligence still have to pay for their treatment, car repair/replacement, and other damages suffered in the accident. Therefore, with the help of a competent car accident attorney, they usually try to get a compensation fee that matches their expenses.

Several law firms now have their own websites like for easy reach and communication between them and potential clients. The types of injuries and heir severity vary, however, some of the most commonly suffered injuries in car accidents include:

Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft tissues comprise the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Therefore, soft tissue injuries involve any kind of damage, such as sprains and strains, that are inflicted on them. Certain parts of the body are more susceptible to soft tissue injuries than others.

For instance, the knees suffer a lot of collisions during car accidents and thus, damage may be done to the soft tissues around the knee (the meniscus or the cartilage) in form of strains, bruises, and sprains. Other susceptible areas for soft tissue injury include the wrists and the ankles. Soft tissue injuries can be very painful and long-lasting.


The impact and collisions that occur in car accidents often result in fractures of several kinds. They usually vary in range, from simple to compound fractures. Like soft tissue injuries, fractures are concentrated, but not limited to certain areas of the body. The bones in the four limbs are the most susceptible to fractures, however, sometimes there may be a pelvic fracture. Fractures are painful and require a long recovery period.

Spinal Cord Injuries

What Percentage of Car Accidents Are Caused by Human Error? | Mobile Law Blog

Spinal cord injuries are some of the most severe types of car injuries because they can lead to permanent paralysis and death. The severity of the damage done to the spinal cord determines the duration and severity of the paralysis. Paraplegia is one of the results of spinal cord injury where an individual is paralyzed from the waist down. More severe is quadriplegia where paralysis begins from the neck and extends to the rest of the body.

Also, depending on the severity of the damage, the paralysis may be temporary or permanent.

Concussion And Brain Injuries

It is not unusual for victims of car accidents to hit their heads amid all the collisions from the crash. As a result, head injuries like concussions and other types of brain injuries may present themselves. While concussions are common, if managed properly, they are easy to treat, other brain injuries may be a lot more severe.

For instance, traumatic brain injuries can cause complications that last years after they emerge. Furthermore, if the injury isn’t properly treated, the effects could last for a lifetime.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

While physical distress is easy to identify and treat, a mental one is trickier. The most common type of mental distress suffered after a car crash is PTSD, which makes victims relive the accident continuously. PTSD gives rise to other symptoms, like insomnia, nightmares, irritation, anxiety, and depression, that disrupt the daily lives of car accident victims.

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