What are the Warning Signs of a Failing Marriage?

What are the Warning Signs of a Failing Marriage?

Marriage is the most important and sacred institution in society. Like any other relationship, constant effort and nourishment are important to make it work. Every marriage has its ups and downs and that’s completely normal. However, when the downs become constant, you have to see the red flags to know where your marriage is heading.

If you find the following warning signs in your marriage, maybe it’s time to hire a divorce lawyer who’s an expert in Family Law and make things easier rather than complicating them further.

1. Communication Barrier Starts to Develop

One of the major warning signs of a failing marriage is that you don’t want to spend time with each other. As a result, you don’t know how the day of your spouse went or the important things going on in their life. In addition, you both stop sharing things with each other, and initiating a conversation seems a difficult thing to do.

2. Lack of intimacy

Lack of intimacy is another warning sign that your marriage is in trouble. Sex drive might change over time for many couples and that’s normal but that doesn’t mean you can’t show affection to each other on daily basis. If you find a constant lack of emotional and physical intimacy, chances are it’s too late to fix things.

3. Constant Criticism

Healthy criticism is appreciated in marriage but if it becomes constant, things might fall apart. When your every action is being criticized and judged by your spouse, it not only irritates you but leads to constant fights. Therefore, when you observe that your every action is criticized without any logic, chances are your marriage is heading towards separation.

4. Your Spouse is Cheating On You

No woman or man can stand the fact that their spouse is cheating on them. No matter how your relationship is with your spouse, cheating should never be an option. It only leads to more lies and more trouble. If you find your spouse cheating on you with another person, it’s time to part ways as you won’t be able to trust them ever again the same way.

5. Feeling Lonely Around Your Partner

Marriage is a source of lifelong companionship. It is more than just a physical union. Spouses are meant to be each other’s support through thick and thin. However, if you start to feel lonely even around being your spouse, you need to pay attention to it as it’s not normal. Feeling lonely in the presence of your spouse is a red flag that shouldn’t be ignored.

The Bottom Line

In a nutshell, marriage needs constant effort, care, and love to keep it alive as it’s a lifetime commitment. One can not be selfish in this bond. Marriage is a bumpy ride but if bumps become too big to ignore, then it’s wise to go separate ways for good.

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