6 Good Reasons to Hire a Construction Accident Lawyer

construction accident lawyer

In 2019, about 20% of workers’ fatalities in the private sector were from the construction industry.

A lot of these fatalities were injured workers who succumbed to their injuries. In construction, no injury is too mild or too accidental to brush off. These “minor” injuries may end up costing you a lot of money and even your life.

That’s why it’s always a good idea to hire a construction accident lawyer to help you get fair compensation for your construction accident. Like any other workers, construction workers have a right to file for workers’ compensation, but their compensation is sometimes inadequate.

Remember, this compensation has to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and even reduced quality of life. Read on to learn why you should hire a construction accident lawyer.

For Brain and Head Injuries

Head injuries and traumatic brain injuries are a leading cause of fatalities and disabilities in the construction industry. A simple blow to the head could mean a trip to the ICU, which rarely ends well. Most of these head injuries result from falling debris, and some of them are due to falls from high ground.

Some impacts to the head are just too heavy for a helmet to handle. Head injuries typically denote damage to the brain tissue, which can lead to brain tissue damage and sometimes internal bleeding.

This brain tissue damage could result in motor impairment, emotional distress, and even death. So when you get a head injury from a construction accident, don’t hesitate to call a construction accident lawyer.


A fracture is when your bone breaks because of stress or forceful impact on the bone in question. While fractures are fairly common, you shouldn’t be too quick to write off a fracture. That’s because if a fracture doesn’t heal properly or takes more than a year to heal, it might lead to a disability.

That’s why, after receiving medical attention, the first person to call should be a construction accident lawyer. Whether it’s an open or closed fracture, no fracture is too non-serious for a construction accident lawyer.

Neck and Spinal Injuries

The severity of spine and neck injuries vary widely from slight numbness and tingliness to full paralysis. Spinal injuries are pretty common in construction with all the bending and lifting of heavy objects. However, some spinal injuries come from accidents with machines or impact from high falls.

Regardless of the cause of your injury, you shouldn’t second-guess calling a construction accident lawyer to handle your case. You especially need to call a lawyer if you end up with paralysis from your spinal injury. Paralysis is when you can’t move all or part of your body because of a spinal injury.


You can get a variety of burns from working on a construction site. You can get a burn from faulty wiring and subsequent electrocution. You can also get a chemical burn while working with the various chemicals on site.

All burns require immediate medical attention, even if it’s simple first aid. There are four categories of burns categorized according to their severity. The categories are first, second, third, and fourth-degree burns, with the fourth being the most severe.

A medical expert will determine the severity of your burns and the appropriate treatment. Talking to a construction accident lawyer will help you ensure all your medical expenses and lost wages are covered.

Loss of Sight and Hearing

Everyone knows construction sites are pretty loud places, so hearing loss shouldn’t really come as a surprise. However, most people don’t know that some people who work in construction also lose their sight. This may be because of debris from explosions and exposure to harmful chemicals, among other reasons.

The thing about hearing loss is that it doesn’t happen instantaneously. In fact, most people don’t notice their hearing loss until they lose all or most of their hearing. Gradual blindness is also possible, depending on the cause of blindness.

If you’re suffering any form of hearing loss or blindness, then consult with your construction accident lawyer as soon as you can. That way, they can secure your claim and help you sidestep any current and future expenses because of your hearing loss and blindness.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Mental health has been a serious issue for the past decade, but we’re not talking about depression and anxiety. PTSD is a mental affliction that affects victims of accidents and physical abuse. Mental health experts are becoming cognizant of PTSD as a quantifiable mental condition.

That said, if you suffer from any form of PTSD from a construction accident, you are liable for compensation. Liaise with your construction accident lawyer to determine the best way forward.

When Should I Hire a Construction Accident Lawyer?

The best time to hire a construction accident lawyer is during the early stages of your injury. In fact, after recuperating, you should have your construction accident lawyer on speed dial. That’s because the deadline for filing injury claims varies from state to state.

However, to be on the safe side, contact your lawyer as soon as you can. Remember, your claim covers your medical fees and other expenses. Don’t wait till the last minute because you may end up digging into your own pockets.

Also, make sure you hire the right construction site accident attorney to do your bidding. That’s the only way you can land a fair claim for your injury.

You Need a Construction Accident Attorney

Don’t even think that hiring a construction accident lawyer is something optional. If you want to get a fair claim for your construction accident, then you need to get a construction accident attorney to battle it out for you. However, make sure you take your time to find the best lawyer for the job.

Are you done yet? Hopefully not. That’s because we have more insightful reads lined up for you on the site.

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