Understanding Different Types of Brain Injuries and Their Legal Implications

Understanding Different Types of Brain Injuries and Their Legal Implications

You know that when you face an accident, there is a higher chance of getting injuries. One of the most common injuries you can get is brain injuries. However, this could be a life-altering and devastating problem

Some of the brain injuries you can get include mild to moderate concussions, traumatic brain injuries, or head injuries. These problems may require extensive medical care followed by therapies to help you recover.

The other thing, depending on the severity of brain injury, it could cause permanent disability. Therefore,  it is important to know the types of brain injuries and how an Atlanta brain injury attorney can help you.

Types of Brain Injuries

There is a higher estimate of new cases occurring from brain injuries. This has become a significant concern to the government. Since the injuries will impact your life negatively, it is essential to know how you can get help.

Here are the main types:

Traumatic Brain Injury

One of the common brain injuries you are likely to experience after an incident is a traumatic brain injury. This is the kind of injury resulting from external forces like sports activities, falls, or car accidents.

The problem occurs when you get something penetrating to your head. The injury could be mild,  traumatic, or severe brain injury leading to a coma or death.

Acquired Brain Injury

The other type is the acquired brain injury. This type of problem can result from external disease factors such as anoxic events, stroke, tumors, and infections.

If you have this type of problem, it could affect your normal brain function. So, easily leads to physical, cognitive, or emotional impairments.

Suppose you suffer from this condition, what should you do? You have to follow the doctor’s recommendation. And also adhere to their treatment program to increase their chances of recovery.

What Causes Brain Injuries

There are various ways brain injuries could occur. Some of the common factors include:

  • Fall
  • Vehicle crashes
  • Physical assaults
  • Sports-related activities such as chronic traumatic encephalopathy
  • Oxygen deprivation
  • Penetration injuries
  • Shaken baby syndrome

In some cases, brain injuries may result from medical negligence. Other causes could result from poor diagnosis. The symptoms may vary depending on the trauma.

Here are some of the signs you can look at:

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Blurred vision
  • Confusion
  • Dilation in pupils
  • Subarachnoid hemorrhage symptoms.
  • Muscle weakness
  • Speech problems
  • Poor sleep patterns
  • Change in mood

What are Your Legal Rights?

If there is something most people don’t know is handling their brain injuries legally. Luckily, you can access support or other helpful services. Depending on the severity level, you can get education help, rehabilitation services, job training, psychological counseling, and medical care.

Another important thing is entitlement to benefits from the state, social security, or local government. You can also seek legal representation for compensation for lost wages, medical bills, pain, or other related dangers resulting from brain injuries.

So, if you are suffering from brain injuries, you can seek the help of an attorney. The experienced and qualified expert will offer invaluable advice on the benefits you can get. You can also get all the answers you want about the process.

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